The Importance of Sunnah in Islam

The Importance of Sunnah in Islam

The path of sunnah is the path of salvation. If we follow prophet (PBUH) in every aspect of our life, we are guaranteed to succeed in both this world and the hereafter.

Allah (SBT) says in the holy Quran“…And whatever the Messenger gives you, accept it, and whatever he forbids you, abstain (therefrom)…” (59: 7).
There is no doubt that Quran is the fundamental source of guidance for Muslims but interpreting Quranic verses according to one’s own needs and wishes results in misguidance. This is the reason that Allah (SBT) send the Prophet (PBUH) to interpret the holy book and offer a living example for all human being to come. The Sunnah is the explanation of the Qur'an.

Whoever obeys the Messenger, he indeed obeys Allah, and whoever turns back, so We have not sent you as a keeper over them. (Surah An-Nisa, 80).
By following sunnah a believer get close to Allah and he attains love of Allah. The more we follow the sunnah of Prophet (PBUH), the higher rank we get. It is common among Aulia of Allah (friends ofAllah) that they strictly follow sunnah in all aspects of their lives. If you want to find a true wali Ullah, this is the criteria to judge them. We needs to learn about the sunnah of prophet (PBUH) and follow these sunnah.

There are some sunnahs which were common among all Prophets of Allah (SBT) Here are a few of these sunnah’s:

1- Use of Miswak to clean teach. It is also sunnah to do Miswak after waking up.
2- Use of Itter (perfume which is alcohol free).
3- To keep beard (according to all four imams it is wajib to keep beard which means we are in a state of sin, if we don’t keep beard. Imama Ghazali calls a person without beard a fasiq (disobedient).
4- To arrange nikah (marriage bond).

Let us all make to dua to Allah (SBT) to give us taufeeq (guidance) to follow the sunnah of Prophet (PBUH) in all matters of our lives.
