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Makkah : 30 Main Places To Visit
Makkah Al Mukarramah is a Holy city in Saudi Arabia, and the holiest meeting site in Islam. After 966, Makkah was led by local sharifs. When the authority of the Ottoman Empire in the area collapsed in 1916, the local rulers established the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz.The Hejaz kingdom, including Makkah, was absorbed by the Saudis in 1925. In its modern period, Makkah has seen tremendous expansion in size and infrastructure.
1.Masjid Al Haram:-The largest mousque in the world and a direction for Muslims while praying and the holiest place also.
2.Jabl e Abu Qubais:-This is a mountain where Prophet Halves the moon with his finger point.It was a miracle of a Prophet.
3.Black Stone:- Originally white but now black from absorbing the sins of man.Muslims believe that the stone fell from heaven during the time of Adam and Eve.
4.Well Of Zamzam:-The water from the well of Zamzam is divinely blessed and able to cure not only thirst, but also hunger and illness.
5.Station Of Abraham:-This is a mark place of Hazrat Ibrahim Foot.It is a stone which Ibrahim used when building the kaaba.
6.Safa & Marwa:-These two mountains are place where Hazrat Hajira the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim and mother of Hazrat Ismail ran 7 times in search of water and is therefore Allah make it necessary part of Umra.
7.Jable Rehmat:-Al-Rahmat Mountain, on its foothill, the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) stayed in his farewell Hajj.
8.Hijr(Hateem):-This is Place Inside Kaaba.To offer a prayer at this place is greatly rewarded id Ahadees of Prophet (May Allah Be Peace With Him).
9.Multazim:-This Is also Inside kaaba.Here the oblegation is surely accepted by the Allah.
10.Jabl e Saor:-This is a place where Prophet along with his companion Abu Bakr stayed during hijrat.
11.Birth Place:-Birth Place OF Prophet Muhammad e house in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born is situated very near the Al Haram Mosque towards Marva gate.A public library has been established there “Maktab Al Mecca Tul Mukarrama”.
12.Masjid-e-Masha’r Al Haram:-Also called Qazeh is the place where the Prophet (PBUH), gave his sermon, which became a must follow practice after that. The Imam of Hajj stands in the Masha’r and gives the Hajj sermon.
13.Arafaat:-The pilgrims go there on the 9th day of Zil-Hajj until the sunset, and then they go to Muzdalefah. Standing in Arafat is one of the main pillars of Hajj, and it is considered that those who do not stand in Arafat did not do Hajj.
14.Mina:-Stoning the three Jamrahs (stone pillars indicating places where Satan appeared). Muslims go to Mina to throw stones at these Jamrahs, slaughter animals, and stay there during the Hajj.
15.Al Muzdalefah:-It has a small mountain called Qazah that is shaped like a horn, where the Imam of the Hajj stands and speaks to the people as the Prophet did, and it is called Al Masha’r Al Haram, and a mosque has also been built here.
16.Masjid e Khaif:-The masjid is in Arafaat.All the Hajjis pray there during there stay.
17.Muhassab:-On the way from Mina to Makkah your staying for a while at the place of Muhassab is Sunnat. Nowadays, the conveyance of Motor Lorries is not usually in one’s own control. It is therefore very difficult to stay anywhere on the way. As such, there is no harm if due to this helplessness one does not stay at Muhassab.
18.Masjid Taneem:- Masjid e Taneem is a mosque which is near Mecca and acts as Miqat for people living in Mecca. The Prophet has said: “Part of the worship of Hajj and Umra is to travel in the way of Allah and to go out of the city.”
19.Masjid Je’rana:- If you plan to perform Umra while in makkah, buses go for masjid-e-Aisha opposite to Bab-e-Fahad of Masjid-e-Haram. Wagons are also available for Masjid-e-Aisha and Jarana in surroundings of Haram.
20.Masjid Jin:-It is so called because the Prophet Muhammad has written a letter to Ibn Mas’ud then he (Ibn Mas’ud) received a “troop Jin” (Jinni Caravans) who want to membai’at Prophet Muhammad, which they previously that the Jin The Prophet Muhammad was found in Nakhlah the way he returned from Ta’if in the tenth year prophetic. Masjid Jin reputation and also given the title as the Masjid Al-Haras, and renovated again in 1421 AH.
21.House Of Khadija:-This is situated near Marwa.If you are goinig towards the Hair Cutter shop.
22.House Of Abu Bakr:-This is located near Marwa just across the market and near to the Khadija`s house.
23.Dar Arqam:-This is a place where Hazrat Umer (May Allah Please with him) has accepted Islam and became the dignity and power for Muslims.
24.Jable Nur:- Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) received his first revelation from Allah on this mountain.The revelation is the first few verses of Surah Al Alaq.
25.Battle Of Fatah Makkah:-This is a place where Prophet enters the Makkah from Madinah and then whole of the society has converted to Islam.
26.Haram Library:-The library consist of excellent collection of all old and new books.
27.Makkah Library:-It is one of the best library for Islamic research and is compose of vast variety of books.
28.Um ul Qura University:- This is the second best university of KSA after Madina University.The degree provide by the Jamia is highly Prolific.
29.Makkah Museum(Qila Ajyad):-The Museum is recently build by Saudi government in order to preserve the old heritage of Islam and the city.
30.Jannat Ul Mua’lla:-It is the cemetery of the people of Mecca, and it is on the way to Mina, The grave of Um-Al-Momeneen Bibi Khadija (the first wife of Holy Prophet) and that of,Prophets’s son Qasim, Asma Bint AbuBaker, Abu-Talib, Abdullah Bin Zubair, and other members of the Holy Prophet’s family, may Allah be pleased with them all, are located in this cemetery. This cemetery is located near the Al Haram Mosque and one can easily go there to pay homage and respect to the people buried there. There are two sections of this cemetery. One section contains old graves while the other contains new graves and these are the graves of ordinary citizens. This cemetery is also known as Al-Hajun. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to visit it frequently. It is the 2nd holiest graveyard of Islam after Jannat-ul-Baqi (Baqi Graveyard).
Also for the visitors the House Of Prophet Father, House Of Hazrat Ali, House Of Abu Sufyan,Wadi Jinn, Jamia Furqan Library, Jamia Um ul Qura Library and Makkah Library are greatly attractive
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Makkah : 30 Main Places To Visit
Makkah Al Mukarramah is a Holy city in Saudi Arabia, and the holiest meeting site in Islam. After 966, Makkah was led by local sharifs. When the authority of the Ottoman Empire in the area collapsed in 1916, the local rulers established the Hashemite Kingdom of Hejaz.The Hejaz kingdom, including Makkah, was absorbed by the Saudis in 1925. In its modern period, Makkah has seen tremendous expansion in size and infrastructure.
1.Masjid Al Haram:-The largest mousque in the world and a direction for Muslims while praying and the holiest place also.
2.Jabl e Abu Qubais:-This is a mountain where Prophet Halves the moon with his finger point.It was a miracle of a Prophet.
3.Black Stone:- Originally white but now black from absorbing the sins of man.Muslims believe that the stone fell from heaven during the time of Adam and Eve.
4.Well Of Zamzam:-The water from the well of Zamzam is divinely blessed and able to cure not only thirst, but also hunger and illness.
5.Station Of Abraham:-This is a mark place of Hazrat Ibrahim Foot.It is a stone which Ibrahim used when building the kaaba.
6.Safa & Marwa:-These two mountains are place where Hazrat Hajira the wife of Hazrat Ibrahim and mother of Hazrat Ismail ran 7 times in search of water and is therefore Allah make it necessary part of Umra.
7.Jable Rehmat:-Al-Rahmat Mountain, on its foothill, the Holy Prophet (May the peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) stayed in his farewell Hajj.
8.Hijr(Hateem):-This is Place Inside Kaaba.To offer a prayer at this place is greatly rewarded id Ahadees of Prophet (May Allah Be Peace With Him).
9.Multazim:-This Is also Inside kaaba.Here the oblegation is surely accepted by the Allah.
10.Jabl e Saor:-This is a place where Prophet along with his companion Abu Bakr stayed during hijrat.
11.Birth Place:-Birth Place OF Prophet Muhammad e house in which Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born is situated very near the Al Haram Mosque towards Marva gate.A public library has been established there “Maktab Al Mecca Tul Mukarrama”.
12.Masjid-e-Masha’r Al Haram:-Also called Qazeh is the place where the Prophet (PBUH), gave his sermon, which became a must follow practice after that. The Imam of Hajj stands in the Masha’r and gives the Hajj sermon.
13.Arafaat:-The pilgrims go there on the 9th day of Zil-Hajj until the sunset, and then they go to Muzdalefah. Standing in Arafat is one of the main pillars of Hajj, and it is considered that those who do not stand in Arafat did not do Hajj.
14.Mina:-Stoning the three Jamrahs (stone pillars indicating places where Satan appeared). Muslims go to Mina to throw stones at these Jamrahs, slaughter animals, and stay there during the Hajj.
15.Al Muzdalefah:-It has a small mountain called Qazah that is shaped like a horn, where the Imam of the Hajj stands and speaks to the people as the Prophet did, and it is called Al Masha’r Al Haram, and a mosque has also been built here.
16.Masjid e Khaif:-The masjid is in Arafaat.All the Hajjis pray there during there stay.
17.Muhassab:-On the way from Mina to Makkah your staying for a while at the place of Muhassab is Sunnat. Nowadays, the conveyance of Motor Lorries is not usually in one’s own control. It is therefore very difficult to stay anywhere on the way. As such, there is no harm if due to this helplessness one does not stay at Muhassab.
18.Masjid Taneem:- Masjid e Taneem is a mosque which is near Mecca and acts as Miqat for people living in Mecca. The Prophet has said: “Part of the worship of Hajj and Umra is to travel in the way of Allah and to go out of the city.”
19.Masjid Je’rana:- If you plan to perform Umra while in makkah, buses go for masjid-e-Aisha opposite to Bab-e-Fahad of Masjid-e-Haram. Wagons are also available for Masjid-e-Aisha and Jarana in surroundings of Haram.
20.Masjid Jin:-It is so called because the Prophet Muhammad has written a letter to Ibn Mas’ud then he (Ibn Mas’ud) received a “troop Jin” (Jinni Caravans) who want to membai’at Prophet Muhammad, which they previously that the Jin The Prophet Muhammad was found in Nakhlah the way he returned from Ta’if in the tenth year prophetic. Masjid Jin reputation and also given the title as the Masjid Al-Haras, and renovated again in 1421 AH.
21.House Of Khadija:-This is situated near Marwa.If you are goinig towards the Hair Cutter shop.
22.House Of Abu Bakr:-This is located near Marwa just across the market and near to the Khadija`s house.
23.Dar Arqam:-This is a place where Hazrat Umer (May Allah Please with him) has accepted Islam and became the dignity and power for Muslims.
24.Jable Nur:- Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him) received his first revelation from Allah on this mountain.The revelation is the first few verses of Surah Al Alaq.
25.Battle Of Fatah Makkah:-This is a place where Prophet enters the Makkah from Madinah and then whole of the society has converted to Islam.
26.Haram Library:-The library consist of excellent collection of all old and new books.
27.Makkah Library:-It is one of the best library for Islamic research and is compose of vast variety of books.
28.Um ul Qura University:- This is the second best university of KSA after Madina University.The degree provide by the Jamia is highly Prolific.
29.Makkah Museum(Qila Ajyad):-The Museum is recently build by Saudi government in order to preserve the old heritage of Islam and the city.
30.Jannat Ul Mua’lla:-It is the cemetery of the people of Mecca, and it is on the way to Mina, The grave of Um-Al-Momeneen Bibi Khadija (the first wife of Holy Prophet) and that of,Prophets’s son Qasim, Asma Bint AbuBaker, Abu-Talib, Abdullah Bin Zubair, and other members of the Holy Prophet’s family, may Allah be pleased with them all, are located in this cemetery. This cemetery is located near the Al Haram Mosque and one can easily go there to pay homage and respect to the people buried there. There are two sections of this cemetery. One section contains old graves while the other contains new graves and these are the graves of ordinary citizens. This cemetery is also known as Al-Hajun. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to visit it frequently. It is the 2nd holiest graveyard of Islam after Jannat-ul-Baqi (Baqi Graveyard).
Also for the visitors the House Of Prophet Father, House Of Hazrat Ali, House Of Abu Sufyan,Wadi Jinn, Jamia Furqan Library, Jamia Um ul Qura Library and Makkah Library are greatly attractive
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