Virtues of Surah al Kafirun

The Prophet said, ‘Recite surah al Kafirun and then go to sleep after coming to its end, for it is a clearance from shirk’
[Abu Dawud 4396 & Hakim 1/565]

Abdullah Ibn ‘Abbas and Anas Ibn Malik (radiAllahu anhum) reported that the messenger of Allah (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said ‘It is equivalent to a quarter of the Qur’an’
[at-Tirmidhi, 2818/A].

Abdullah ibn Umar Al-Khattab (radiAllahu anhu) reported that Allah’s messenger (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) said, “Qul Huw Allahu Ahad” is equal to a third of the Qur’an and “Qul ya ayyuhal Kafirun” is equal to a fourth of the Qur’an.”
[at-Tabarani, classed as Sahih]
